Atlanta Division: FBI, Mr. James Comey to Testify

The political world has changed so dramatically in the United States of America that the daily news can’t keep up with the dramatic events overtaking Washington. We have a President who i inexperienced in governance and is making rookie mistakes. Most...

St. Petersburg Division: Trump Please don’t do Something Dumb!

President Trump is going on a trip. Normally we would be pleased to see our President visiting other nations, building a bond among leaders, developing relationships so that if something goes badly the President can call his “friend” and ask for...

Jacksonville Division: The New President

We have a new President and he is different! President Trump is managing his administration in a  unique manner. We have yet to know it this style is by design or default but what is not in question is that it is different and to use a new word, Disruptive. That can...

Miami Division: Trump’s Immigration Order; How does that affect us?

How does Trump’s immigration order affect us and the world? This week President Trump issued an Executive Order with sweeping changes to the existing immigration order. The order strictly restricts some people from coming to the United States. It appears to be...

Atlanta Division: VOTE!!!

The world is watching … Vote!!! Each Election is interesting and partisan, as they should be but this election is different. I don’t recall a single election that so clearly will impact the direction of world affairs as this election could. Donald Trump...
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