Jacksonville Division: Health Care; Where do we go from here?

Health Care: Where do we go from here? Congress appears to have painted itself into a corner. The Republicans had criticized Obamacare for years. Oh what they were going to do when they had the chance. If only an election would give them the power to do so. Well an...

Ft. Lauderdale: Student Watchers

As students travel more to our areas Curtis Protective Services is being asked to provide Safety/Security Officers for their protection. We are happy to provide this service but it requires additional training and additional equipment. We have found that parents who...

Jacksonville Division: The New President

We have a new President and he is different! President Trump is managing his administration in a  unique manner. We have yet to know it this style is by design or default but what is not in question is that it is different and to use a new word, Disruptive. That can...

Miami Division: Trump’s Immigration Order; How does that affect us?

How does Trump’s immigration order affect us and the world? This week President Trump issued an Executive Order with sweeping changes to the existing immigration order. The order strictly restricts some people from coming to the United States. It appears to be...
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