Atlanta Division; July 4th Celebrations

Tuesday July 4th will be the date Americans celebrate Independence Day. Lets remember to keep our heads and keep if fun BUT safe for everyone. Remember that if you are going to drink alcohol beverages, then plan on a way to get home without driving. It just makes...

Atlanta Division: VOTE!!!

The world is watching … Vote!!! Each Election is interesting and partisan, as they should be but this election is different. I don’t recall a single election that so clearly will impact the direction of world affairs as this election could. Donald Trump...

Ft. Lauderdale Division: Paying attention to Detail

I cannot overstate the importance of paying “attention to detail.”  Paying attention to detail literally saves lives. IT IS IMPORTANT!!! Wars have been lost for lack of attention to detail.  1        9/11 would not have occurred had investigators SIMPLY passed on...

Ft. Lauderdale Division: Donald J Trump

Donald J Trump. I respect and will defend his right to speak his “truth” but equally I defend the right for citizens to accept or reject his beliefs. Never in my life would I have imagined having to write this opinion in the United States of America. A...
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