Cuba Redux!!

Cuba Redux: What does this mean for America and what does this mean for Cuba. It is about time that this embargo was going to be stopped. It has not been effective in thwarting the Castro brothers from their leadership for over 50 years. At some point we have to...

Atlanta Divison: International Terrorism

The world is being exposed to a degree of depravity being used by terrorist that shock the senses. Beheadings, kidnappings and burning prisoners alive. Who among us could imagine this conduct among sane people. It appears that the tactics used are reminiscent of the...

Tampa Bay Division: Tips to Prevent Workplace Violence

Workplace violence has become such an ubiquitous term that it almost fails to shock people anymore unless that act is so egregious that is stuns people. School shootings to fired employees returning to seek vengeance on those whom they feel wronged them.  In these...
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