Oct 1, 2014 | Digital Security, Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, Safety and Security, Security Guards, Tampa Bay, Uncategorized
Legalized Marijuana; is it coming to Florida? Across the country if not the world this question is being asked and answered with a yes. As can be understood, many people are concerned as to the consequences of this liberalization of the laws. Society is changing and...
Aug 12, 2014 | Commercial Security, Orlando, Safety and Security, Security Guards
Significant penalties may occur if your loss prevention officers do not document that they are not profiling people for shoplifting and other crimes by their race, sexual orientation, or any other protected criteria. Barneys of New York recently agreed to pay $525,000...
Aug 5, 2014 | Commercial Security, Orlando, Safety and Security, Security Guards
Internal theft; theft by employees increased 6.5% in 2013. This is a significant increase considering the rate of theft was high prior to the increase. 1.1 million people were arrested for shoplifting (theft) in 2013. There is no value in subtlety when it comes to...
Jul 2, 2014 | Commercial Security, Orlando, Security Guards
The 2014 Healthcare Crime Survey by the International Healthcare Security and Safety Foundation conducted in 386 hospitals in the United States and Canada found that violent crime increased 16% between 2012 and 2013. Some of this increase can be attributed to a...
Jun 22, 2014 | Commercial Security, Digital Security, Orlando, Security Guards
Robotic Security guards ARE on their way into our security systems. At this point of time they can perform routine (boring) duties and are very good at it. Robots can detect minute changes in an environment: Once detected, robots can be programed to report those...
Apr 6, 2014 | Safety and Security, Security Guards
If you’re considering hiring security personnel to guard your facility, commercial location, or gated community, it may at first feel like an unnecessary expense. Especially if you’re not currently experiencing many security-related issues, hiring a...