When do you need a fire watch service in Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, Miami, or Ft Lauderdale?
The building’s fire suppression, fire sprinkler, or fire alarm system is down, not working properly, or a planned outage is going to exceed four hours.
These conditions usually requires notifying the fire marshal’s office.
Hot works is going to occur. Hot works includes using a torch, welding, or any flame or spark producing work. These works have led to fires in many buildings.
Whenever hazardous activities are going to take place or during demolition.
Large crowds where extra precautions are necessary. Many public assembly buildings require events to have a fire watch guard present for crowd protection
According to the National Fire Protection Association.
Hot work fires result in avoidable death, injury, and hundreds of millions of dollars in property loss each year. When everyone follows safe hot-work practice, these fires are preventable.
The risk with hot work is high because it introduces a hazard—an ignition source. That’s why the number one safety recommendation is to determine whether there is an alternative to hot work and by avoiding hot work, you minimize the risk.
If you are a building owner or facility manager, you must have a procedure in place for documenting hot work hazards and for advising all contractors about site-specific potential fire hazards. You also need to know any jurisdiction- specific regulations you need to comply with.
Did You Know?
Fires can start after the hot work is complete. The fire watch must remain on site for a minimum of 60 minutes to monitor for smoldering fires, per NFPA 51B. The permit authorizing individual could require the fire watch to remain on site longer depending on the conditions of the work site
Avoid Costly Fines
Local jurisdiction and the state have regulations and meticulous guidelines that have to be legally followed. The highly experience officers at Curtis Protective Services are always in compliance with these laws. Not adhering to all these conditions can result in big fines, a loss of resources, and even shutting down your business.
Fire Watch Guards Saves Lives
The old saying, “An ounce of preventions is worth a pound of cure”, definitely rings true with a fire watch guard. The small cost of the service doesn’t compare to the high cost of damages! Identifying potential hazards and establishing preventative measures, a fire watch guard is the first line of defense!