Trusted Security Guard Service; Orlando & Jacksonville

Jan 8, 2024

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Having a security plan in place for 2024 is going to be more important than ever.  Making security a priority can significantly reduce the number of targeted and opportunistic criminal activities. From vandalism, to theft, to violent crime, make safety and security is a priority in the New Year by contacting Curtis Protective Services.

Find the Right Company

Working with a reputable security company such as Curtis Protective Services, you can be sure you are hiring a highly trained and quality guard. Ensuring your property is protected 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Skill, courtesy, and reliability are characteristics all Curtis Security Officers live and serve by. Each officer has graduated from extensive state training courses and is fully licensed to perform safety and security on behalf of our clients.

Developing a Security Plan

It is always best to have a security plan in place in case something does happen. Better safe than sorry. Our highly trained team at Curtis Protective Services will help you create a comprehensive and functional security plan. We will work with you to find the best course of action in an emergency to ensure everyone gets out safely.

A professional security guard has the skill and experience to bridge that gap and provide you with the security you need.

Deter criminals and stop crime from happening
Prevent property damage and theft
Protect guests, employees and students
Give customers and tenants a sense of security
Provide additional customer service
Monitor video surveillance
Respond to emergency situations

A Security Strategy You Can Count On And Trust!

At Curtis Protective Services, our number one priority is the safety, security, and peace of mind of our clients. We are dedicated to providing the highest-quality service, supported by exceptional officers and state-of-the-art technology

When it comes to security, peace of mind is everything. We have offices across Florida and Georgia, including Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, and Atlanta.


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