Top Fire Watch Guard Service; Fire Suppression System

Jun 16, 2024

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Fire Watch Guards in Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Ft Lauderdale, Jacksonville, and Atlanta are mandated for businesses, multi family communities, medical facilities, construction sites, and apartment complexes when their fire alarm system is down.

To comply with the Fire Marshal’s office and OSHA’s fire watch requirements to protect tenants and employees. To stay complaint and avoid costly fines, companies are finding Fire Watch Services through a security guard provider.

An experienced outside provider ensures highly trained fire watch guards.

Avoid disaster with a fire watch service

Whenever there is a risk of a fire, the possibility of a disaster or emergency increases dramatically. It is vital to protect customers, residents, people and property. Partnering with a professional fire watch security guard provider is the easiest way to staff these essential needs, with a trained and qualified personnel.

Length of time a fire watch guard is needed

Whether it is long term or temporary, a fire watch service from Curtis Protective Service is fast and efficient. If your safety equipment is down or not connected, including alarms or fire suppression systems, you need a fire watch service. When it comes to a threat of a fire, you need to act quickly. The qualified staff at Curtis Protective Service understand and are trained for the immediacy of a fire danger.

Who uses a fire watch guard?

There are many industries that use this service, including retail stores, construction sites, office buildings, hospitals, apartment complexes, remodels, and many more. Mixed use buildings and multiple family housing have specific needs when it comes to fire watch needs. The staff at Curtis Protective Services understand the specific laws and requirements when it comes to Fire Watch needs. We have customized plans for each client, so you can avoid costly fines and shutdowns

Curtis Protective Services fire guards, satisfies all safety regulations and protocols. The guards have all the proper training, certifications, satisfy all log requirements, and perform safety equipment inspections.

Each Officer maintains a written report as well as electronically verifying that the fire watch patrols are being conducted according to the State policies.

Our security guards at Curtis Protective Services are all carefully hand picked to meet our high standards and the organizational team of our clients. They are individually trained to ensure each guard understands the responsibilities and tasks at hand.


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