Tampa Bay Division: Paris! Can it happen here?

Nov 19, 2015

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by thanunkornYes, what happened in Paris CAN happen anywhere! As so many commentators have stated that it is not a matter of if … but When. The greatest challenge is that the targets often don’t have any military or political significance in of themselves. The consequences do but often only after the event has occurred. This has become the new normal for urban centers from New York to Paris. It is a price that free society’s must endure in order to keep their freedoms. Some will want us to give up some freedoms for security but I believe we must resist this as once they are gone, they are gone for a long time. I believe that the people of France and particularly Paris made a courageous statement when they went back to their street-side restaurants, continues their sporting events all while honouring those innocent lives lost and injured.  We must endure the pain and continue our way of life. It is worth it.


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