St. Petersburg Division: Drive Defensivly

Jun 18, 2017

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

My auto insurance almost doubled this year. For a company that uses a lot of vehicles, this was significant. I reviewed my auto incidents to see why the increase was so significant considering we hadn’t had an auto incident in years. My drivers hadn’t received traffic tickets. I couldn’t determine what had caused the increase so I called our agent. They said that the increase didn’t have to do with our coverage or incidents but with the significant increase in claims because of texting while driving. I as surprised until I analyzed my own driving habits. I had caught myself driving and texting. I hadn’t realized fully how dangerous this practice was after all, what harm could it do. As it turns out, a lot. The distance travelled with your head down, not looking around and driving your vehicle is scary. I can only tell you from experience that the danger caused by driving while texting is more dangerous that Driving under the influence of liquor or drug impairment. What makes it even more dangerous is that the texting danger is more during the busy drive times during the day rather than at night when the roads are less busy. Please don’t text while driving.



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