At Curtis Protective Services we take fire prevention seriously. Fires are responsible for millions of dollars in property damage and loss of life. All of which could have been avoided with a fire watch guard.
When do you need a fire watch guard?
If you fire suppression system is down or being replaced.
The electricity or water is not working for an extended period of time.
Your business is at high risk, deals with hot work or sparks of any kind.
If your business is obliged to have a fire watch guard on the premises to avoid costly fines.
Businesses such as hotels, apartment buildings, restaurants, construction sites, events, education facilities, nursing homes, and shopping malls have all benefited from hiring a fire watch service.
One of the most popular questions we receive here at Curtis Protective Services is, “Can the Fire Marshal really fine and shut down my business?”
The answer is Yes! If you don’t comply with the minimum safety standards for your area, the fire marshal can fine your business. Just to warn you, these fines are pretty hefty! If you fail to make the necessary corrections, after you have been fined, the fire marshal can then shut your business down. It is the job of the fire marshal to create a safe living and working environment for everyone.
Fire watch guards are responsible for monitoring the property, patrolling the premises, identifying hazards that could increase the risk of a fire, keep accurate logs, contact authorities if necessary, and assist individuals on the property.
At Curtis Protective Services our goal is to provide you with the best fire watch service available! We can quickly dispatch a fire watch or a security guard to your Miami, Tampa, Orlando Atlanta Location.
We understand that often Fire Watches are unanticipated and require immediate response and are staffed accordingly to respond competently on short notice. Contact us today for more information.