Private Security; K9 Services Detecting Explosive & Drugs

May 24, 2023

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

At Curtis Protective Services, we would like to introduce our highly trained K9 Teams and their professional handler. Our effective K9 Teams are a visual deterrent against crime. They are also trained to locate explosive devices, illegal drugs, and hidden weapons. In addition, they alert their handler to unusual sounds and activities.

Guard Residential and Commercial Properties

Our K9 Teams are experienced protecting large scale venues, residential and commercial properties. They are trained to seek out and apprehend any entity that serves as a threat. The K9 Teams at Curtis Protective Services undergo extensive training to locate explosive devices, illegal drugs, and weapons. Our K9 Teams put their lives on the line to keep you and your property safe.

A Visual Deterrent

Whether it is a small or large event, our K9 Teams provide a very effective deterrence for criminals and dangerous suspects.

Inspect for Explosives

Curtis Protective Services takes pride in offering only the highest quality security services, this includes our K9 Teams

All of our services are tailored to meet your unique security needs. This includes our uniformed guards, armed or unarmed.

Security Teams 

The message a uniformed security guard sends is tremendous. For potential criminals, it is a visual deterrent. For employees, it says you are committed to security and for customers or tenants, it says you care about their safety and take pride in your business.

The human element of a mobile patrol, whether at a guard gate, in a marked vehicle, or walking the premises, makes people feel reassured and safe. They know immediate help is right there if they need it.

The security guards at Curtis Protective Services are highly trained at identifying suspicious behavior. They have the keen ability to notice the smallest discrepancies, which can indicate a potential security breach or a crime may be about to take place. Our security guards get to know and understand your business, and identify when something is wrong. This enables our security guards to spot an issue before it becomes a liability.

Security On The Water And Sea

The water has become criminals newest form of transportation. Which is why Curtis Protective Service has rolled out a marine service. Our security guards in boats have the same high training and effectiveness as those on land.


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