Orlando Division: We live in a SAFE county!

Feb 5, 2016

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Curtis Security MascotIt is easy to forget how safe it is living in the United States. The nightly news reports on tragedy after tragedy; its no wonder why many people think that crime is out of control and that people are worse now than ever. It is simply not the case. Americans alive today live in one of the safest time ever. Crime has been going down for many years. Crime rated today are similar to that of the early 1960’s. The change has primarily been in reporting the “news”. Today most television news shows are just that; shows. Their purpose is to be attractive to advertisers and bring in the viewers. “If it bleeds…it leads” has become commonplace. News has become entertainment. Many people have a guilty pleasure; what the Germans call schadenfreude. We live our lives vicariously through others, much like riding a roller coaster. Fear but with safety. If you want to feel better about your life; turn off the news.


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