Blog News

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Curtis Protective Officers: What Sets Us Apart

We at Curtis Protective Services know that you have several options for safety and security at your community or commercial facility, for honor guard and funeral escort services, and private investigation in Central and South Florida. So, you may be wondering, what...

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Honor a Loved One with a Funeral Escort

A funeral is a time to honor a loved one, bring family and friends together, and share fond memories. A funeral procession is a powerful display of respect and love and may help to bring closure to family and friends. The Curtis Protective Services honor guard is...

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Resolve to Improve Security in the New Year

Many people make New Year’s resolutions that don’t last past winter. From dropping a few pounds to quitting smoking, it can be easy to plan, but difficult to follow through. Instead of pledging to make a change you know is a lost cause, why not spend your time and...

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Shopping-Related Security Risks this Holiday Season

In addition to cybercrime and parking lot thieves, shoppers this holiday season may have other IT and shopping-related risks to worry about. Credit card theft isn't just a result of buying things online. Sophisticated thieves are ready to take the information from...

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