Blog News

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Tampa Bay Division: Shoplifting Increased Violence

According to the National Retail Federation survey shoplifting violence has increased from 13% all all detentions in 2011 to 18% in 2013. Some people believe it is due to professional shoplifters simply having more to loose when detained to an overall lack of respect...

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Orlando Division: Retailers to Share Cyber Intelligence

Leading retailers are looking for ways to share intelligence of cyber threats. The Retail Industry Leaders Association has established a center to share information on cyber attacks targeting their businesses. Recently large retailers such as Target, Nike and Lowes...

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Atlanta Division: “Traditional Crime Down-Cyber Crime Up

Traditional crime has been in significant decline for a number of years now. Bank robberies are down 60% since 1991. Criminals are becoming more adept at stealing by using a computer rather than a gun. The penalties are less severe and they can perform these acts from...

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Miami Division: Explosive/Drug Dogs Used in Private Sector

Dogs have been used by the police and military for years and have proven their effectiveness when teamed with a good Dog Master. One area that would find a very effective use for dogs is private commercial properties. Commercial interests rely almost exclusively on...

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Tampa Bay Division: Protect Empty Properties

We often focus our attention of our active properties as they demand attention on a regular basis however it is the unused and vacant properties that may expose us to a greater risk than we would have thought. Empty warehouses, office buildings and malls are now...

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