Blog News
Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368
Orlando Division: Retailers to Share Cyber Intelligence
Leading retailers are looking for ways to share intelligence of cyber threats. The Retail Industry Leaders Association has established a center to share information on cyber attacks targeting their businesses. Recently large retailers such as Target, Nike and Lowes...
Atlanta Division: “Traditional Crime Down-Cyber Crime Up
Traditional crime has been in significant decline for a number of years now. Bank robberies are down 60% since 1991. Criminals are becoming more adept at stealing by using a computer rather than a gun. The penalties are less severe and they can perform these acts from...
Miami Division: Explosive/Drug Dogs Used in Private Sector
Dogs have been used by the police and military for years and have proven their effectiveness when teamed with a good Dog Master. One area that would find a very effective use for dogs is private commercial properties. Commercial interests rely almost exclusively on...
Tampa Bay Division: Protect Empty Properties
We often focus our attention of our active properties as they demand attention on a regular basis however it is the unused and vacant properties that may expose us to a greater risk than we would have thought. Empty warehouses, office buildings and malls are now...
Jacksonville Division Testing new Biometric Safes for “Active Shooter” Kits
The JAX Division (Jacksonville FL) is testing a new biometric safe to be used by Curtis Protective Services "Active Shooter" kit. At present CurtisPS utilizes a push button combination safe to hold the Active Shooter supplies. The push button combination safe has been...
Miami Division is testing a new Camera with real time transmission of photos
The Miami Division is testing a newly acquired totally self contained camera system with motion detection that immediately transfers photos to the zone officer. The new system is totally self contained and can be set up in a matter of minutes. The system will allow...