Blog News

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Atlanta Division: Data Breaches-Retailers Under Attack

Retailers among other are under attack; data breaches are increasingly common and increasingly expensive. This year alone has seen over 700 major attacks and increase of over 20% from previous years. Home Depot data was breached this year and are now facing not only...

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University Shooting in Florida

The face of violence has once again shown itself on one of our educational campuses. Florida State University in Tallahassee Florida is the latest scene on a lone shooter  temporarily creating horror on our campuses. It is reported that a lone gunman entered the...

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Jacksonville Division: Prevention of Workplace Violence

Workplace violence has become so significant a threat to staff and corporate well being that it has become a issue for top level discussions and actions. Workplace violence has increased in recent years making it an important issue for companies to establish a...

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Miami Division: Security Officer Employment is Growing

Since 9/11 private Safety/Security officer employment has grown dramatically with the exception during the near economic collapse of 2008. Private Safety/Security Officers now employ four times the number of public police officers in America. The Security business...

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Orlando Divison: “Lone Wolfs”

Crazed individuals are attacking people and sites encouraged by radical groups such as AL-Quida and the Islamic State. Counter-terrorism groups are concerned that we will see increased number of these individual attacks in the United States and the industrialized...

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Tampa Bay Division: Tips to Prevent Workplace Violence

Workplace violence has become such an ubiquitous term that it almost fails to shock people anymore unless that act is so egregious that is stuns people. School shootings to fired employees returning to seek vengeance on those whom they feel wronged them.  In these...

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