Blog News
Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368
Orlando Division: “Baltimore” could happen ANYWHERE!
"Baltimore" could happen ANYWHERE! If any city thinks that what is happening in Baltimore could not happen in their city they are naive or blind. This is not primarily a race issue although some may think so because it is such an easy "cause". This is about poverty,...
Tampa Bay Division: World Police; It’s Time Has Arrived
Has the time come for World Police Forces? As far fetched as the concept may sound the need has arrived. We are not talking about Inter Pol or other cooperating Associations, we are talking about policing agencies that can police and enforce around the world. The days...
Jacksonville Division: Criminal Police Officers
Recently we have can hardly go a few days without hearing about another criminal act conducted by a police officer. The days of police officers protecting police officers is OVER! The good police officers (which make up the VAST majority) MUST take actions to rid...
Miami Division: Boston Bomber; What have we Learned?
The surviving brother of the Boston Bomber has been found guilty; now what? I believe that our naivety of believing that this sort of crime only happened somewhere else has been shattered. We know we are vulnerable to loner, self radicalized criminals. In order to...
Miami Division: How to Mitigate “Loner” Criminals Actions
The world once again witnessed terrorism in Africa when four gunmen attached a educational institution and killed 147 people while injuring over 100 more. The carnage is outrageous! WE must implement practices that prevent a small number of fanatics, often self...
Fire Watch
Fire Watch Service: Curtis Protective Services provides Fire Watch Services in Orlando and Central Florida. We have established a full time staff exclusively hired, trained and supplied to provide Fire Watch Services when required to do so by Fire Marshals. We...