Blog News

Curtis Protective Services
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Miami Division: Violence in Public Places…really!

When one watches the nightly new we witness violence in retail store, gas stations and other public places. It is no wonder why the average person is concerned and frightened by going out in to the public "arena". We used to feel safe going grocery shopping or regular...

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Atlanta Division: Athletes and Security

Athletes seem to be showing up more often in the news section of the media than on the sports page and usually for all the wrong reasons. Professional leagues are now taking action against athletes for behavior off the field. We have to ask ourselves if this is the...

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Orlando Division: July 4th Risks

July 4th Celebrations this year seem to come with anxiety. With ISIS terrorizing the middle east and threatening an ever increasing number of people it is no wonder people and governments are concerned and increasing security and awareness. The increased awareness is...

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Tampa Bay Division: Canada Operations

Recently Officers met in Ottawa to discuss cooperation between the Canadian and American Divisions. It was confirmed that National operations must remain autonomous as the political  and regulatory requirements make it very difficult to coordinate the two distinct...

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Jacksonville Division: Natural Disasters; Are We Prepared?

One cannot watch the news without seeing reports of natural disasters around the world and close to home. Texas and other mid-western states are flooding after years of drought! California has a water shortage and its still snowing to our north. As Safety/Security...

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Miami Division: Police Excessive Force

Hardly a week goes by that the media is not showing us video of police officers appearing to be using excessive force in dealing with the public. The question is; is there more use of excessive force or is it just being reported more. The answer is that it is being...

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