Blog News
Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368
Orlando Division: Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving in America is a time to reflect on ALL the good that has occurred to us. It is easy to be distracted by the threats, terrorism, anarchy and conflict around the world but we must remember to look around OUR world. As diverse as United States is there is...
Tampa Bay Division: Paris! Can it happen here?
Yes, what happened in Paris CAN happen anywhere! As so many commentators have stated that it is not a matter of if ... but When. The greatest challenge is that the targets often don't have any military or political significance in of themselves. The consequences do...
Jacksonville Division: Police Under Fire!
American police officers are under "fire" now for the behavior of the few bad officers who have now tainted the entire profession. The bad officers are not alone to blame; so are the good officers who stood by in silence knowing the behavior of the criminal officers...
Miami Division: Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces
The Friends of the Israeli Defense Forces (צְבָא הַהֲגָנָה לְיִשְׂרָאֵל ) hosted a number of IDF members who were visiting Orlando this past week. The group met with local people as well as many students. The group was well received by everyone. It was nice to see...
Atlanta Division: Student Housing
Student Housing: In recent years Student Housing has developed from students renting an apartment and sharing the costs to Executive Housing for Students. Student Housing now involves a very competitive marketing strategy to attract the high end student business. A...
Orlando Division: Security for Public Gatherings
Recently we have once again witnessed on the television news of a random shooting in a large public event in Florida. Criminals are using this forum to get their "15 minutes of fame". The shooting at the Zombie Fest got national attention on most of the networks as...