Blog News
Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368
Miami Division: Heat
This summer is causing us all to believe in global warming just a little bit more than we did before. The heat being felt across America has been causing problem for many of us. Our air conditioners are working harder and we are working slower. Of particular concern...
Jacksonville Division: Pulse Shooting Review
A review of the Pulse massacre needs to be conducted in order to know with accuracy what happened and if there are things we can do better in the future. The probability is that we will be going through this sort of crime again if history is to be believed. No one...
Tampa Bay Division: Criminal Acts
The world appears to be terrorized by criminals who commit their crimes under the guise of a "cause". I think that the Orlando mass murderer committed his crime claiming to be in support of ISIS to "justify" , at least in his mind his outrageous crime. This murderer...
Atlanta Division: Orlando Pulse Shooting
The mass murder committed in Orlando at the Pulse nightclub ought to be so horrendous that we should not have comparisons yet the nightly news brings us plenty of mass murders to put Orlando's into perspective. When the day arrived that this kind of crime can be...
Ft. Lauderdale Division: Passing of a Friend; Doug Weir
Every once in a while we all seem to need an awakening as to what is truly important in our lives. Recently I got the wake up call when I received a phone call from my closest friend; Doug Weir. I had worked with Doug as a fellow Constable with the Carleton Place...
St. Petersburg Division: Muhammad Ali a TRUE Hero!
If we are lucky in our lifetime we get to see heroism at its finest. Muhammad Ali was one of those people who stood alone against the world for what he believed was right. I would hope that I might have the courage he had but I am not sure I would. Muhammad Ali, with...