Blog News
Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368
Florida & Georgia Fire Watch Service, What You Need to Know
To keep everyone safe, an occupied building in Florida or Georgia is directly dependent on its fire protection or sprinkler system operating on full capacity. What happens when this system is down, malfunctioning, or being repaired? That’s when you need the assistance...
Florida & Georgia Premier Fire Watch & Security Service
Everyone is at risk for a fire, they can be catastrophic, resulting in a loss of assists, property damage, and even casualties. When a fire protection system fails or isn’t working properly is typically when disaster happens. A fire watch service is usually required...
Why Hire a Phone Answering Service For Your Business?
Running any type of business in today’s age takes hard work and a lot of resources. At Curtis Protective Services we do more than provide security, we are also a full time answering service, managing all your calls. Why hire an answering service? Instead of hiring...
Curtis Protective Services, Bridging the Security Gap
The recent tragic events in hotels, schools, and businesses throughout Florida and Georgia has many turning to private security guards. Protecting your guests, students, and employees is of the utmost importance. Lapses in security have shown to not only result in...
Top Security Guard & Protective Services, Your Best Defense
The unfortunate death of Christina Grimmie in Orlando, Florida is a harsh reminder of the importance of quality security. The up and coming pop star, known for her performance on the Voice, Christina Grimmie’s was gunned down as she was signing autographs after her...
Residential Safety & Security Officers, Throughout Florida & Georgia
Safety is a major concern on everyone’s minds today, especially in the comfort of your own home. Take comfort with Curtis Protective Services, Residential Safety and Security Officer. Our officers are trained as well as state licensed, they go the extra mile to be...