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Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368
Certified Fire Watch Guards; Because Safety Matters!
Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, Ft Lauderdale, Atlanta, Lightning fast, that’s how fast fire spreads. Putting lives and property in danger. People and fire both need oxygen, but when it comes to competing for it, fire always wins! Causing burns, suffocation, and...
Top Fire Watch Guard; Orlando, Miami, Jacksonville, Tampa, Atlanta
A professional fire watch service is typically required by law when a commercial sprinkler or fire alarm system is taken off line, malfunctioning, or in the process of being repaired. What is a Fire Watch Service? A fire watch guards are specifically trained to...
Top Security/Fire Guards Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, Tampa, Atlanta Georgia.
You can’t turn on the news without hearing of another tragedy or mass shooting taking place. Local law enforcement ha thseir hands full, going from one call to another. Which is why private security has become so popular. Personal and Community Safety and Security...
Florida & Georgia Fire Watch Guard; How To Hire a Service
Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, Miami, Ft Lauderdale, Atlanta, the responsibilities of managing or owning a business seem to be endless. The stress of ensuring the employees, families, and assists are safe can be overwhelming. But Curtis Protective Services is there to...
Fire Watch Service; Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, Atlanta
Let’s face it, fires are costly, not to mention if your fire system is down, there are specific guidelines that have to be followed. If one fails to comply they are subject to costly fines, which can be significant. For instance, the National Fire Protection...
Orlando’s Top Security Guard Service; For Big Financial Savings
Why are so many hospitality, construction companies, and businesses outsourcing their security? Handling incidents after they occur by In house management teams is not proactive. This is leaving industries under severe security. Outsourcing security not only protects...