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Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Florida Security Guards With Your Best Interest In Mind

Residents of gated communities, apartment complexes, and senior living communities all expect safety and security. This can entail several different aspects, from gate guards, patrolling and mobile guards, armed and unarmed, or for special event guards. Security Gate...

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Orlando & Jacksonville; Fire Watch Guard In Florida

As a property owner or manager in Florida, it is your responsibility to ensure the safety of the occupants. This is includes the automated monitoring systems, automatic fire sprinklers, fire alarms, smoke detectors, even clogged pipes and electricity outages. If one...

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When Is A Florida Fire Watch Guard Necessary?

When do you need a fire watch service in Orlando, Tampa, Jacksonville, Miami, or Ft Lauderdale? The building’s fire suppression, fire sprinkler, or fire alarm system is down, not working properly, or a planned outage is going to exceed four hours. These conditions...

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Do You Need A Fire Watch Service In Orlando/Jacksonville

If you manage or own a business here in Florida, it can be a very stressful role, that includes a lot of responsibilities. One of the most important being, ensuring the safety of your building, the people and assets. Your employees, clients, and tenants all depend on...

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How Much Does a Jacksonville Fire Watch Guard Cost?

It happens every day here in Jacksonville, a business, apartment complex, or hotel is fined hundreds, if not thousands of dollars because they did hire a fire watch service. Why Do You Need a Fire Watch Guard in Jacksonville? Whether your fire suppression system is...

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