Need A Fire Watch Guard Service? Orlando, Jacksonville, Tampa

Sep 9, 2023

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Are you in need of a Fire Watch Guard in Orlando, Miami, Jacksonville, Fort Lauderdale, Atlanta, and Tampa? Fires can be devastating, not only destroying property, they can leave families homeless, and even take lives.

Protecting you and your family from the most awful of situations is Curtis Protective Services highest priority with our Fire Watch Services. Each of our Fire Watch Services are in full compliance with the Fire Marshalls Office.

What is a Fire Watch Service and Why do you need them?

When a fire alarm system goes down or is temporally offline, it is the responsibility for the business owner to have a fire watch serves. The need for a Fire Watch Guard is unexpected and requires immediate action. In this type of emergency, it is important to know who to call. Curtis Protective Services is highly staffed to guarantee a proper response on any notice.

Fire Watch Services include officers who stand on guard and are equipped with everything they need to provide the very best for your property. Along with a fire extinguisher and cell phone, there are quite a few more tools that help complete the job. One is a Fire Watch Kit, this contains site information, reports and instructions.

There is also the GPS System that is manually activated by the officers hourly. This records their location and time.

If an evacuation is necessary, the officers have a Klaxon horn to warn people to leave the buildings. With these tools, the officers can make sure a fire is quickly handled and put out, with the least amount of harm.

Our services are complete with Fire Watch Reports provided by officers. They are confirmed with the GPS time and location data to ensure accuracy. The reports are then sent to the Fire Marshall’s office as well as the client. Records are also kept at the Curtis Services Headquarters. The proper rules are followed to ensure our clients property is kept safe from the devastating dangers of fire.

Don’t take a chance Curtis Protective Services is there when you need them! Contact us for more information.


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