Miami Division: “Lone Wolf” attacks; Expect more

Dec 18, 2014

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by artur84We are hearing more about “lone wolf” attacks in the media from within the United States but also from around the world. This is in part because the media wants to sell ads and commercials and this type of drama brings viewers. Unfortunately this type of coverage also brings out the crazy’s. Individuals without any affiliation with groups or protests are carrying out attacks for their “15 minutes of fame”. One of the other reasons individuals are engaging in these criminal acts is because they can be done quickly, and without very much financial cost and little or no planning. I believe that our society must prepare to defend ourselves from these people quickly and effectively. Keep in mind that often the violence is over in a matter of minutes; far faster than the authorities can react. Individuals must be empowered to defend themselves immediately upon a threat becoming real and the force to defend must be decisive.  Each able and willing person must be prepared to act.


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