Miami Division: Income Tax Time

Feb 24, 2017

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo  by Wikimedia CommonsIt is time to take care of our income tax obligations for 2016. Many of us are busy gathering together all the details of the previous year in order to get this ordeal over with before the cycle starts again. It sometimes feels endless; and perhaps it is. At times like this I have to remember all the value I get for the taxes I pay and cause to be paid by my company and my staff. This country, state, county and city provide me the safety and security it takes to operate my company. The country is safe, our courts are fair, our water and air are clean AND we don’t have soldiers in our streets. Many people may take this for granted but I don’t. I appreciate and value all the things that are well done, well governed and honestly brokered. God Bless America!


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