Miami Division: Black Friday; Try to be Patient!!

Nov 25, 2016

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo  by Wikimedia CommonsBlack Friday; Try to be PATIENT.

Today is a day that may very well test the patience of Job. Traffic will be heavy and shoppers will be plentiful! I have found the best way to deal with the inevitable frustrations of the day is NOT to have a schedule and certainly don’t plan on getting anywhere in a hurry. Put off any travel and unnecessary purchases until next week. Inevitably we will see the exceptions on tonight evening news; the people who have just lost it.

Remember that there are many people who look forward and love the congestion and turmoil that todays activities will bring. Let them enjoy their day! For the rest of us we must surrender  this day to others.

I find it somewhat ironic that at this time when the economy is going well and the job market is strong that some of our fellow citizens feel that the county is in terrible shape. If this is bad I cant’ imagine what it would be like when we are “great” again!!


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