Many businesses, Home Owners Associations, and events contemplate hiring security guards for safety and security. The fact is, crime has become a serious issue, affecting all types of industries and businesses of all sizes in Miami, Tampa, Jacksonville, Orlando, and Atlanta, Georgia.
How are you keeping your business safe? How about your guests and employees? Or your assets?
Criminal acts are the reason businesses lose millions of dollars every year.
Statistics show shoplifters are only caught once every 48 times they steal.
Employee theft is responsible for a 5% loss of yearly revenue for the average business.
The construction industry estimates theft and vandalism is responsible for $605 million loss per year.
An anonymous survey of 500 employees in the service and retail industry disclosed 95% of them stole from their employer.
Burglary victims estimate their losses to be over $4.5 billion a year.
What can a security guard and mobile patrol do for your business, community, or event?
The presents of a uniformed security guard or a marked patrol unit is one of the best way to deter crime
It is also one of the best ways for offices, buildings, events, and construction sites to be actively monitored.
When something does happen, waiting for police takes time. Security guards are on-site and will respond faster.
Security guards, from a reputable service, are fully trained to deal with any situation, from crimes in progress to terrorist issues.
When reporting crimes to the employer, security guards will be discrete.
The Demand for Security Officers Are on the Rise!
The security guards at Curtis Security are a cut above the rest, with the highest level of training and a specialized set of skills, for an elevated level of professionalism.
Our teams are well established and hand picked for their for their aptitude for handing stressful situations, their high level of professionals and communication skills.
Do you have a comprehensive security plan in place? If not, you need to take the next step? If you’re in Atlanta, Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Miami, Orlando, and Tampa, contact Curtis Security to get started.