Jacksonville Division: Safety and Security and the Weather

Jan 29, 2015

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by NaypongOh how quickly things can change. Recently we saw a tremendous snow storm hit the north east of the United States. In a matter of 24 hours the residents of the area affected had there reality changed …. at least for a while. Snow had arrived and all the events planned prior to the snow had changed dramatically. Those of us in the Safety/Security profession must have developed contingency plans WELL in advance of weather or other natural events taking place. Our clients have a right to expect competency from us and we must rise to the challenge. Are we prepared to protect our clients’ interests; can we protect our clients interests? We MUST have in place plans and the means to fulfill those plans. Simple questions that must be addresses: Can we get to our clients? Can we assist them when we arrive? What can we bring to the tide them over until assistance arrives. These items do not have to be big or expensive. Do we have gasoline to run our generators? Do we have generators. Can we supply basic food and medical attention or evacuation? Communicators; What do we use if the phone systems are down. We must prepare because these natural and man made events are going to keep happening and we must be willing AND able to respond.


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