Jacksonville Division: Natural Disasters; Are We Prepared?

Jun 16, 2015

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by NaypongOne cannot watch the news without seeing reports of natural disasters around the world and close to home. Texas and other mid-western states are flooding after years of drought! California has a water shortage and its still snowing to our north. As Safety/Security professionals we must be prepared IN ADVANCE of these aberrations. Our clients have a right to expect competence from our Safety/Security companies. The public sector, even as competent as many of them are cannot manage all these disasters by themselves; we must be prepared to do our part. Have a plan, and I remind everyone that HOPE is not a plan. We also must acknowledge that even though we are in the Safety/Security profession, not all our staff will be able to assist us. All of us in the region will be affected. Build alliances with comparable firms outside your immediate area with a mutual aid agreement. Know in advance what you plan to do and then be as prepared as you can be to implement the plan keeping in mind that “no plan survives the first shot fired in a battle”.


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