Health Care: Where do we go from here? Congress appears to have painted itself into a corner. The Republicans had criticized Obamacare for years. Oh what they were going to do when they had the chance. If only an election would give them the power to do so. Well an election did happen and by chance it gave them the House, Senate and the Presidency! A party couldn’t ask for more!! Time to prepare for seven years, a clear mandate and the power to do so. The Republicans should have remembered the saying “be careful what you hope for, you might just get it!”. The Republicans have failed so far to do much. They are divided and their leader is a distraction. I, along with the country if not the world needs them to get their act together. Four years will pass and surely we will survive this aberration but what a waste and what a legacy. These men and women have squandered their opportunity to do good but worse, they have further eroded the public’s trust in this worthy institution. Shame on them.
Jacksonville Division: Health Care; Where do we go from here?
Curtis Protective Services
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