Jacksonville Division: Ferguson Police Justice

Mar 5, 2015

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by africaThank God for our legal system and for the wisdom of the people that established it AND continue to make it work even during tough times. The Ferguson police force has been found to have practiced improper police methods in dealing with citizens; the Officer who shot the young man was found not to have infringed on his civil rights. Those two findings may appear to be contradictory but they are not. Each was found to be just based on the facts of their individual cases. I commend the men and women who had the courage to judge the facts, see the truth and to make a decision based on law and justice. Truly not all heroes are found on battlefields and in burning buildings; many heroes are those people who make courageous decisions publicly even during dangerous times, and stand by them. I am proud of those men and women today and the system that supports them.


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