A funeral is a time to honor a loved one, bring family and friends together, and share fond memories. A funeral procession is a powerful display of respect and love and may help to bring closure to family and friends.
The Curtis Protective Services honor guard is available to be present at the memorial service, gravesite, and traveling between the two. Traveling between the memorial service and the gravesite can be a stressful time. Curtis Protective Services marked cars can escort up to 15 automobiles and ensure that your family and friends arrive safely to the gravesite with minimal traffic interruptions.
All of the Curtis Honor Guards are, without exception, well-dressed, professional, and polite. They are highly trained in appropriate behavior and protocol and are there to help you through this difficult time.
For more information about the Curtis Protective Services Honor Guard and Funeral Escort services or for assistance coordinating the appropriate services, contact us today.