Ft. Lauderdale Division: Paying attention to Detail

Sep 20, 2016

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

I cannot overstate the importance of paying “attention to detail.”  Paying attention to detail literally saves lives. IT IS IMPORTANT!!! Wars have been lost for lack of attention to detail.  1        9/11 would not have occurred had investigators SIMPLY passed on information that THEY KNEW!!

2        The attack on Pearl Harbor could have been SIGNIFICANTLY reduced had the Officer who RECEIVED the radar signal that showed the Japanese approaching well over 30 minutes in advance of the attack taken action rather than go for breakfast. What a difference it would have made had the American fighters met the Japanese north of Pearl Harbor!!!

3        Abraham Lincoln would have been alive had his guard not left his post at the door to the balcony!!! 

PAYING ATTENTION TO DETAIL is the difference between success and failure.


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