Florida & Georgia Premier Fire Watch & Security Service

Apr 25, 2018

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Everyone is at risk for a fire, they can be catastrophic, resulting in a loss of assists, property damage, and even casualties. When a fire protection system fails or isn’t working properly is typically when disaster happens. A fire watch service is usually required under state law for a building while the malfunction or system failure exists.

Piece of mind your job site or building is safe

To ensure the highest level of safety, Curtis Protective Services offers round the clock fire watch, customized for maximized protection.

Our fire watch guards are armed with specialized training, high depth of knowledge in proper procedures, understand specific fire hazards, and know how to respond to any sign of danger, minimizing and even preventing damage and loss of life.

Keep your building safe during fire suppression system repairs or installation

Keeping your property safe and secure is our highest priority. Our fire watch guards keep vigilant watch while your fire system is being installed or repaired. With a comprehensive walk through, fire log, detailed report in keeping with as well all state and local fire codes and regulations, as well as identify any potential hazards. Our guards will remain on the property until the project is finished.

Keep your commercial or residential building safe from fire dangers. Those people and families who work and live in your building, depend on you to keep them safe. The fire watch guards at Curtis Protective Service are trained experts and understand how important it is to prevent a fire from happening.

At Curtis Protective Services our goal is to provide you with the best fire watch service available! We can quickly dispatch a fire watch or a security guard to your Miami, Tampa, Orlando Atlanta Location.

We understand that often Fire Watches are unanticipated and require immediate response and are staffed accordingly to respond competently on short notice. Contact us today for more information.


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