Florida & Georgia Fire Watch Service, Liability, Costly Fines & Piece of Mind

Jun 1, 2018

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

When your fire alarm system is taken offline or is malfunctioning, you will need a Fire Watch Service. While regulations may vary depending on the state and jurisdiction, some type of fire watch is required.

Security companies provide this type of service with fire watch patrols.

While most often businesses and multi-family housing don’t plan for their sprinkler or fire alarm system to stop working, it is an emergency situation that needs to be addressed. It may be tempting to use property management staff to perform such services to cut costs, but this has many disadvantages.

Why hire Curtis Security for your Fire Watch Service?


If you are thinking about using your own staff instead of a fire watch service, don’t forget about the liability. The last thing you want is a bunch of attorneys looking to hold you liable. Because the fire watch is not usually covered in many insurance policies held by management companies. If a fire were to break out, the liability would be absorbed by the property management company. Hiring a professional fire watch service can significantly reduce this liability, because you will be protected from the fire watch service’s insurance policy.

Peace of Mind

Curtis Protective Service has highly trained fire watch guards. They have been specifically educated for this service, following all documentation, regulations and laws. You won’t have to worry about the task of coordinating the staff, which could last for several days or even weeks, which can be a big strain itself. It will give you a peace of mind everything is taken care of, quality guards are on duty, 24 hours a day.

Costly Fines

Do you know the fire watch guidelines and regulations for your jurisdiction? Failing to comply can lead to costly fines. In the long run a professional fire watch service is well worth the cost.

Are you confident your employees, tenants, and property are protected when your fire system is down?  If not then contact Curtis Protective Service for more information.


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