Cuba Redux: What does this mean for America and what does this mean for Cuba. It is about time that this embargo was going to be stopped. It has not been effective in thwarting the Castro brothers from their leadership for over 50 years. At some point we have to accept that the “plan” is not working. I believe the best plan for integrating peoples into the world organization is communication and trade. We have to respect that different cultures prefer to do things differently. Not every culture is money driven. Some countries are motivated by religion, some by history and some by fanatics. The most cost effective way to change a people IF they want to be changed is through education, communication and trade. The “people” will change if and when they are ready. No one has the right to force a people to change or to “bring disharmony into another person “house”. The people of Cuba are VERY capable of choosing their own path, lets just get out of their way!
- International Airports