Atlanta Division; July 4th Celebrations

Tuesday July 4th will be the date Americans celebrate Independence Day. Lets remember to keep our heads and keep if fun BUT safe for everyone. Remember that if you are going to drink alcohol beverages, then plan on a way to get home without driving. It just makes...

Orlando Division: President Trump Obstruction of Justice

President Trump may have to answer to the alleged offence of Obstruction of Justice related to the firing of Mr. James Comey, former Director of the FBI. Trump appears to have thought that firing Mr. Comey would solve his problems with respect to the Russian...

Tampa Bay Division: Terrorism In London

The recent terror attacks in London remind us that these criminal acts are radical and dangerous. The challenge is that many of these attacks are done by young men who are looking for a cause. They find it disguised as Muslim faith; it is not. This is criminal...
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