Atlanta Division: VOTE!!!

Nov 8, 2016

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by jscreationzsThe world is watching … Vote!!! Each Election is interesting and partisan, as they should be but this election is different. I don’t recall a single election that so clearly will impact the direction of world affairs as this election could. Donald Trump has promised to shake things up … and so far has. Hillary Clinton promised good governance but not radical changes. Even boring governance can face unforeseen consequences. I cannot even imagine what a radical President would do to the world. USA is in a unique positon in the world. It is the world leader for a while yet. China will challenge Americas position in the not so distant future but for the next four years the world will still be dependent upon the USA for direction. The citizens of the USA are in a unique position, not unlike Roman citizens during the height of its power, to influence the course of history. What we decide today will affect the world, not in years but instantaneously. What awesome power; what a position to be in; what responsibility. Voters today must do what is right for the USA but also what is right for the world. Set aside personal issues and do what is responsible and right for ALL of us!  VOTE!!


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