Today’s world is so cluttered with messages that it is often difficult to keep the “noise” from distracting us from our daily routines and duties. It appears that to be notices one has to be more extreme in actions, words and deeds. We see outrageous things play our on our television screens by people wanting their “15 minutes of fame”. I do believe that if one is not prepared to become infamous for outrageous acts or statements one had better have a good Public relations strategy. I am a strong believer that we must build a strong and CONSISTENT foundation for ourselves or our companies. More companies are finding a good cause or two to focus their attenuation on. This may limit the exposure but it will help define yourself and your interests with a particular group of people with similar interests. In short, find a cause that you can support fully and then commit to that effort. The shotgun approach does not work in this world with so much “noise”; focus.
Atlanta Division: Public Relations
Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368