Atlanta Division: Orlando Pulse Shooting

Jun 19, 2016

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by artur84The mass murder committed in Orlando at the Pulse nightclub ought to be so horrendous that we should not have comparisons yet the nightly news brings us plenty of mass murders to put Orlando’s into perspective. When the day arrived that this kind of crime can be compared to the relative barbarity of similar crimes committed in the recent past we must stop to think; is this normal, is this what we should expect and accept! We are seeing the decline of civility at a level unimaginable only a few years ago. Our politics is getting so bad that we accept Donald Trumps rantings as acceptable for a political office let alone the office of the President of the United States. We accept and move on so quickly to the mass murders that they don’t even stay in the news for much more than a week. As a people we really need to rethink what is the norm and what is acceptable. I fully respect the constitution as I believe it to be relative and a living document but it is important to understand the intent of the document. It is not to bury us in a time capsule but to evolve and breath. It we don’t let the constitution “breathe” we will continue to suffer the degradation of our country life. Understand the constitution but it must be allowed to accommodate the world we live in.


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