Tampa Division: Hurricane Mathew; what are you going to do about it!

Oct 4, 2016

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by NaypongHurricane Mathew, a category 4 hurricane is coming close to the east coast of Florida with a 500 mile wind cone! Floridians have really not faced much in the way of hurricanes since 2004 when the state got hit with four in one year. I think it is safe to say Floridians may have become complacent and that is a concern. The Governor has set in place disaster preparations should Hurricane Mathew come closer to our State. It is a wise precaution.

So let review: Are you prepared to last three days without outside help? Do you have water, food, shelter, medicine, communication devices and lighting. I recommend that you bring in some supplies just in case. The trouble is that if you don’t and you need them then you and your family are needlessly being put at risk. Most of the purchases you may make can be used in the coming weeks as general supplies so whats the hesitation.

Don’t wait, get things done…TODAY!!


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