Orlando Division: Thanksgiving

Nov 26, 2015

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by jscreationzsThanksgiving in America is a time to reflect on ALL the good that has occurred to us. It is easy to be distracted by the threats, terrorism, anarchy and conflict around the world but we must remember to look around OUR world. As diverse as United States is there is little conflict in our streets, in our politics in our personal and professional lives. America is a shining example of how to accommodate diversity; even if the accommodation is “noisy”. Politicians rail against immigrants, various ethnic groups rail against others, religious intolerance can be heard day and night and yet our street on the most part are safe. Our water and food are healthy, our judges are honest and wise. Remember that most of the world likes what they know of the United States. There are no walls to keep people here. Overall I know that this culture of accommodation and enterprise has developed into the fairest, wealthiest and freest people in the history of mankind. It really is something to be thankful for.


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