Miami Division: Trump’s Immigration Order; How does that affect us?

Jan 30, 2017

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by Idea goHow does Trump’s immigration order affect us and the world? This week President Trump issued an Executive Order with sweeping changes to the existing immigration order. The order strictly restricts some people from coming to the United States. It appears to be focused on Muslims although the President claims it does not. Trump has listed seven countries where visitors are severely restricted from entering and/or reentering the United States. The world is alarmed and shocked at this action as are many Americans. This order is in start contrast to the United States history of accepting immigrants to the country. This country is made up of immigrants and has done well by that measure. I fear that Trump does not understand the implications of his order. He does not appear to have consulted or advised his administration nor his departments affected. Many are scrambling just to understand what he wants and how to implement it. If his intent is to disrupt, he has succeeded beyond his wildest dreams; no one, and I suspect even Trump himself understands his thinking. Perhaps there is a grand plan but I don’t see any evidence of that. America has either elected the best negotiator in the world OR the worst leader. Time will tell


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