Miami Division: Pope Francis’s Visit

Sep 28, 2015

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by Idea goUnited States was fortunate to have a visit from Pope Francis this week. Although he represents the Roman Catholic faith it was clear that many people of many faiths and even agnostics were impressed with him. The consequences of his visit can only be speculated upon as there are so many events that he directly influenced in such a positive way and there are so many events to come that his visit will influence in ways that we can only imagine. Although our media news programs have primarily become another “reality” show, this news will actually cause good things to happen and fewer bad things from occurring. The whole world is better off this week because of the Pope’s visit and we should remember that all the while being washed over by entertainment under the guise of news reporting. Pope Francis did us ALL good!!


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