Miami Division: Police Excessive Force

Jun 11, 2015

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by govtech .comHardly a week goes by that the media is not showing us video of police officers appearing to be using excessive force in dealing with the public. The question is; is there more use of excessive force or is it just being reported more. The answer is that it is being reported more now that cell phones can record video. As a result of these videos, starting with the R0dney King incident in Los Angeles, video recordings are now commonplace. Police Departments are now equipping their officers with body cams in order to protect themselves from false accusations as well as to protect the public from bad officers or simply poor decisions. The real issue to be addressed is not the poor actions by either party but the culture of violence within some police officers and within the public at large. Do we really need this level of violence to control ourselves?? We need to rebuild our police culture to better deal with cultural diversity and criminals: They are not the same.


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