Miami Division: Guns not allowed in Target Stores

Jul 12, 2014

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Guns are not welcomed in a number of retail outlets including Target, Chili’s, Jack in the Box and Starbucks among others. A group named Open carry Texas has opposed these requests whereas the Mom’s Demand Action for Gun Sense supports the move. As in so many issues common sense seems to be left outside the equation as the radicals on all sides of issues dominate the debate. I would hope that rational consideration be given to the issue with a strong dose of common sense. Who among us would be comfortable with people openly carrying weapons into retail stores and other areas where the public gathers. So much harm can be done so quickly. Perhaps in time when the “froth” of issue dissipates we will settle on a practical and safe manner is expressing ourselves and our political views.


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