Miami Division: Election 2016 Clinton or Trump

Oct 14, 2016

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo by stockimages2016 is a pivotal year in not only American politics but in world affairs. The election of an American President has seldom been more important than now. The world has one world power (China to arrive shortly) at this time. What America does affects the world so who is elected President matters!!

We have a clear choice. Mr. Trump has demonstrated that he will lead the world in a very different direction than the course we have been on for a long time. America has been the world’s policeman; it comes with the position of world leader. (China does not follow that belief so we can expect a very different approach when they become a challenger for the positon). Mr. Trump is not a believer in open borders with regard to trade. He is a protectionist. I expect that this position would cause the world to become more isolationist and therefore international trade would be reduced.

Ms. Clinton is liberal on trade and would encourage the world players to open borders even at the expense of some American jobs. Some jobs would go off shore as they have over that past decades due to lower wage costs in developing countries. Another difference between Clinton and Trump is in the manner in which they would govern. Trump would be hands off as far as the details. Clinton would be hands on with the details. Both styles have merit and consequences.

Citizens must vote because we will face the consequences, as will the world of our decision on November 8.


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