Jacksonville Division: Hurricane Mathew

Oct 8, 2016

Curtis Protective Services
Ph: 800-551-8368

Photo from Wikimedia CommonsHurricane Mathew has come to Florida. We are all so fortunate that this category 4 hurricane only skirted our eastern coastline rather than come onshore and do the tremendous damage it had the power to do. Prime Minister Winton Churchill once said that ‘there was nothing more stimulating than being shot at and having been missed!” While we now should know what he meant. All Floridians missed the bullet on this one. We only have to recall Hurricane Katrina and the long lasting damage it did to New Orleans and the regional economy to know how lucky we are.

I have to congratulate the State of Florida and all the counties affected for their preparation for this potential disaster. I am thankful we didn’t need all the resources that were gathered in preparation for this hurricane but they did a tremendous job and deserve credit.

We must remain vigilant and although we didn’t need all the resources gathered for this threat, we must not be lulled into a false sense of security. We were LUCKY!!


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